Saturday, March 19, 2011

Being Professional

Most of us should already know you should always be professional no matter what work situation you are in. as some of you know I currently work at The Department of Public Safety. While at work a women came in furious over a ten dollar parking ticket I issued her. From the moment she came in she yelled and was rude. I tried to explain to her why she got the ticket and she refused to listen. I thought that was the end of it, until I happen to jump on my dads Facebook page to show a friend a picture of my horses and noticed my dad comment on the following status.

"I'm sorry to say but the downtown has lost my business for a while. Due to the way others were parked, I parked the way they were and I got a ticket, of course Dept. of Public Safety assured me they ticketed everyone else, too. Too bad because I spent over $150 there today. :-(" 

Now this alone is not that bad, but she then went on to say the following.

"But what ticked me off the most was when I went down to DPS, I had taken a pic off the person in front of me how they parked and they had no ticket. The girl there snickered, looked at the picture and said"yea! That was me I just did that and all three of u got tickets" with a big smile, proud as a peacock was she. Must've taken lessons from Fat Cop." 
 None of what she said is true. Now you may what this has to do with professionalism. This women happen to be friends with my dad who did not know the status at was about me but did not take to kindly to the "fat cop" reference due to the fact he is a retired police officer. Now that he does also know this status was about his daughter, and knows the real story, needles to say she has burned a bridge with my father who has helped her out in the past.

What we say online and how we act may have more effect on us than we know. Im sure this women's behavior would have been completely different had she known the family connection. This reinforces that we must act professional no matter the situation we are put in because you never know who knows who and how fast word will travel. This women also made a statement about taking it to court and most likely winning because I wont even show up. To that I say good luck and see you there.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring Break Stress

I woke up on Sunday morning in fairly good mood. I made some coffee and settled in to watch some Doctor Who flip on my laptop and do some writing. When I turned my laptop on I discovered something terrible. The clicker on my mouse pad refused to work! I sat there clicking it over and over again hoping it would start doing its job, after about 20 minutes I gave up. Having to work all day monday it was impossible to go to the one computer store Big Rapids has. Finally I was able to stop in before another long day at work on Tuesday. After waiting in line behind an older women learning to use Microsoft Word I finally got a chance to tell the man working at the computer store my horrible problem. He then informed me he could not fix it, but he knew what was wrong. Basically my mouse clicker wore out and I need a new one. Then he informed me in order to go that I needed to replace the whole top part of my laptop..... Something that would cost me a couple hundred bucks. Being the broke college student that I am I found an alternative to this high number, I bought a wireless mouse... When I told the computer store man my plan he said that was a solution to the problem but not a fix. Looks like this summer Im going to have to swallow my cheap pride and pay for the repairs. What a way to start spring break stuck in Big Rapids.